Sunday, August 17, 2008


So today is the first of my ramblings and things like that.. I'm no writer, that's for sure. I leave those things to my more capable brother. I'll probably write a lot of things like this "...." without complete sentences, but that's exactly how it is sounding in my head so naturally it's what comes out. This is just a look inside, really...

It's been 5 days since Jemma left Sydney for Melbourne. Since she left me here in this cold house... basically it sucks. I've been on facebook about 1o times throughout the day and I'm now debating watching Lord of the Rings on her computer. Mine broke again, of course. I still think macs are the better species but i really wish one of the big guys would get me a brand new one cause mine seems to hate me. Anyway back to the point. I really miss Jemma... i've been thinking about it the past few days, while i've been secluded in my little bear cave. We always realize it over and over throughout life (or at least i know i do), the whole deal about not realizing how good something is until you dont have it anymore. but since jem's been away in warm carpet bliss for nearly a week now, i've definitely realized i love having her around. and when she's gone there's so many times i want to tell her something exciting or random (i'm full of those..) or just hang out. i'm basically bored out of my mind without her.
and it's had me thinking more about home. yep, homesickness has definitely gotten worse the past few weeks, even before jem left. who knows what comes next. i want to do so many things that it's hard to decide. and i dont have to yet. my mind gets a bit carried away sometimes..
lonely, bored or homesick? i'm sure it's all... there's no moral to this blog. maybe there will be occasionally. the rare gem. (ha. gem. gemma. nice.. (that's an insider if you are confused..)). maybe something cliche... so why dont you just make one up for me, hey?

ps. jemma, come home.