Monday, April 27, 2009

Like a little flower...

I think It's been long enough since I've posted on here. Although, I never did tell anyone I made one of these, so it's possible I'm the only person who reads it. Hah. What fun.

I'm starting to come alive again. It's the best feeling... just as spring is getting springy, too. I knew the change was coming in my heart, but it really hit me once I got my guitar- excuse me, Josh's guitar- back. I remembered how much I used to play at school and how little I have felt like myself the past 5 months, for more reasons than that. Transitioning has been pretty tough this time, but I've been growing more as well. I welcome this growth and change for sure.

Last night was a bit miserable, for reasons I'll leave as a mystery to you. I came home completely altered by the experience and ended up writing a song about it. The song is under construction at the moment, with the help of my dear Ashlee Hardee. Maybe when we finish I'll put it online somewhere.. along with a few others I need to get together. I'll admit the song isn't my preferred style (lyrically?) but sometimes you just have to get it out, you know.

Well, I think that's about all I've got right now. I will say that I am in awe of the fact that there is brand-new mercy in my hands every morning. Can you imagine? I just can't get over it. And with that, I bid you goodnight.

Oh yes, Papertongues went on tour today. God bless those boys.